Getting Started

The easiest way to use this library is by plain GitLabClient

var client = new GitLabClient("Example-APP");

This will let you access unauthenticated GitLab APIs

Authenticated Access

If you want to access private repositories, personal information or other authorized information. Your client should be provided with login details. This can be done through use Basic Authentication, OAuth Authentication or Bearer Token Authentication

Basic Authentication

var credentials = new Credentials("Username", "Password", AuthenticationType.Basic);
var client = new GitLabClient("Example-APP", "", credentials);

OAuth Authentication

var credentials = new Credentials("Personal Access Token", AuthenticationType.Oauth);
var client = new GitLabClient("Example-APP", "", credentials);

Bearer Token Authentication

var credentials = new Credentials("Bearer Token", AuthenticationType.Bearer);
var client = new GitLabClient("Example-APP", "", credentials);

! We strongly recommend using OAuth Authentication User password is safe and does not need to be changed Token can any time be revoked by the user

Specified login details are immediately checked when creating a new instance of GitLabClient

Get some data

Getting data is easy after successful creation of GitLabClient. If you want to receive data from a specific user:

var user = client.User.Get(259) // Id;

If you want to receivce data from authenticated user:

var user = client.User.Current;

For more information

For more information we ask you to look for available documentation. If the information is not in the documentation. Feel free to contact us or create a new issue with your relevant question